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On August 18th, 2019 we put on our 3rd annual CCS Invitational event in Portland OR with our friends at Adidas. It was by far our biggest and best year yet! Keeping with the theme of pervious years, we recreated a miniature replica of the iconic Brooklyn Banks skate spot in New York City.

The Bumps were our biggest build yet for a CCS Invitational.

Sizzle Pie pizza was consumed, PBR's were slammed, prizes were won, and in the end it was our guest judges Freddy Gall and Bobby Puleo who decided our grand prize winners. It was John Dilo for best single trick, Ish Cepeda with best line, Tony Ellis with best wallride and Maurio McCoy for over all fan fave!

The winners got brick checks. Hope no one try's to deposit them...

All of them earned $1,000 and Maurio earned an extra $1,000 that was donated to The Harold Hunter Foundation as a way to give back to the scene that inspired this whole thing. Below are a few flicks of the day shot by Transworld's Editor in Chief, Jaime Owens, and if you hit THIS LINK you can go to TWS and see a full photo recap. Huge thanks to Adidas for helping us put this thing on and thanks to everyone who came through!

The crowd was bigger than ever in our carnival village where people played games and won prizes from tons of brands.
New Jersey's finest! Our guest judges were Brooklyn Banks alumni, Bobby Puleo and Fred Gall.
John Dilo stomping the best trick winning Switch BS Flip. He killed this thing! Head to TWS to see more flicks!

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