{% assign display_wishlist = true %} {% for tag in Wishlist.data.exclusions %} {% if product.tags contains tag %} {% assign display_wishlist = false %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if product == blank %} {% assign product = Product %} {% endif %} {% if display_wishlist %} {%- if wishlist == blank -%} {% assign wishlist = Wishlist.data.items | map: 'handle' %} {% if wishlist[0] == null %} {% assign wishlist = data.items | map: 'handle' %} {% endif %} {%- endif -%} {%- assign p_title = product.title | replace: '"', '”' -%} {%- capture wishlist_add -%} event.preventDefault(); Wishlist.add({ handle: '{{ product.handle }}', type: '{{ product.type | escpae }}', image: '{{ product.featured_image }}', {%- if variant -%}variant: {{ variant.id | json }},{%- endif -%} title: `{{ p_title }}` }); [this, _n.sibling(this, '.wishlist__button')].forEach(function(button) { button.classList.toggle('dn')}); {%- endcapture -%} Wishlist Remove from wishlist {% endif %} {% assign productImage = product.featured_image %} {% assign hoverImage = product.hover_image %} {% assign hoverVideo = product.hover_video %} {% assign hoverExternalVideo = product.hover_external %} {% capture productImageRepsonsive %} {%- if productImage != blank -%} {%- if product.featured_image_width > 180 -%}{{ productImage | img_url: '180x' }} 180w {{ 180 | divided_by: product.featured_image_aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} {%- assign image_size = product.featured_image_width | append: 'x' -%} {{ productImage | img_url: image_size }} {{ product.featured_image_width }}w {{ product.featured_image_height }}h {%- endif -%} {% endcapture %} {% capture hoverImageRepsonsive %} {%- if hoverImage != blank -%} {%- if product.featured_image_width > 180 -%}{{ hoverImage | img_url: '180x' }} 180w {{ 180 | divided_by: product.featured_image_aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} {%- assign image_size = product.featured_image_width | append: 'x' -%} {{ hoverImage | img_url: image_size }} {{ product.featured_image_width }}w {{ product.featured_image_height }}h {%- endif -%} {% endcapture %} {% unless hoverVideo != blank or hoverExternalVideo != blank %} {% if hoverImage != blank %} {% unless product.tags contains 'Graphic Overlay' or product.hover_image_alt contains 'swatch' %} {% endunless %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if hoverVideo != blank %} {% elsif hoverExternalVideo != blank %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {%- if product.member_exclusive contains 'coming_soon' or product.member_exclusive contains 'member_active' -%} {%- assign year = product.member_end | split: '/' | last | prepend: '/' -%} {%- assign date = product.member_end | remove: year -%} {%- if product.member_exclusive contains 'coming_soon' -%} {%- assign year = product.member_start | split: '/' | last | prepend: '/' -%} {%- assign date = product.member_start | remove: year -%} {%- endif -%} {%- capture member_active_text -%}CCS+ Exclusive through {{ date }}{%- endcapture -%} {%- capture coming_soon_text -%}CCS+ Exclusive starting {{ date }}{%- endcapture -%} {%- assign member_text = member_active_text -%} {%- if product.member_exclusive contains 'coming_soon' -%} {%- assign member_text = coming_soon_text -%} {%- endif -%} {{ year }} {{ date }} {{ member_text }} {%- endif -%} {% assign crop = 'crop_height=64&crop_left=430&crop_top=472&crop_width=64' %} {% if 'Skateboard Deck, Skateboard Complete' contains product.type %} {% assign crop = 'crop_height=64&crop_left=230&crop_top=472&crop_width=64' %} {% endif %} {% for badge in productBadges %} {% if product.tags contains badge.tag and badge.tag != 'more-colors' %} {{ badge.collection_badge }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {%- assign option_value_data = '' -%} {%- for option in product.options_with_values -%} {%- if option.name == 'Title' %}{%- continue -%}{%- endif -%} {%- unless siblingRange[product.type] contains option.name -%}{%- continue -%}{%- endunless -%} {%- if option.values.size == 0 -%}{%- continue -%}{%- endif -%} {%- assign option_values = option.values | sort -%} {%- if option.values.size == 1 -%} {%- assign option_value_data = option_values | first -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign option_values_last = option_values | last -%} {%- assign option_value_data = option_values | first | append: ' - ' | append: option_values_last -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- if option_value_data == '' and siblingRange[product.type] contains 'Title' -%} {%- assign title_segments = product.title | split: ' - ' -%} {%- endif -%} {{- option_value_data -}} {% for tag in product.tags %} {% if tag contains 'Vendor' %} {% assign vendor_tag = tag | remove: 'Vendor:' %} {% assign vendor_collab = vendor_tag | append: ' x' %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if product.siblings.size > 0 %} {% assign productTitle = product.title | split: ' - ' | first %} {% else %} {% assign productTitle = product.title | remove: product.type | split: '-' %} {% endif %} {% assign productTitle = product.title | split: ' - ' | first %} {% unless product.title contains vendor_collab %} {% assign productTitle = productTitle | remove: vendor_tag %} {% endunless %} {% if vendor_tag != blank %} {{ vendor_tag }} {% endif %} {{ productTitle }} {% assign discount_amount = product.price | divided_by: product.compare_price | times: -100 | plus: 100 | round %} {%- capture discount_text -%} [discount]% off {%- endcapture -%} {%- if compare_min < compare_max -%} {%- assign before_text = 'From ' -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if product.compare_price > product.price and discount_amount > 10 -%} {{ before_text }} {{ product.price | money }} {{ product.compare_price | money }} {%- else -%} {{ product.price | money }} {%- endif -%} {%- if discount_amount > 10 -%} {{ discount_text | replace: '\[discount\]', discount_amount }} {%- endif -%} {% if product.reviews %} {% assign to_half = product.reviews.rating | round:1 | divided_by: 0.5 | round | times: 0.50 %} {% for i in (1..5) %} {% assign half = i | minus: 0.5 %} {% if half == to_half %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ({{ product.reviews.count }}) {% endif %}
{{ offer.title }} {{offer.product.title}} {% for variant in offer.product.variants %} {{variant.title}} {% endfor %} Select Free Gift
{% if item.properties['_image'] %} {% elsif item.properties['Custom Bottom Graphic'] %} {% elsif item.properties['Custom Griptape'] %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if item.properties['_overlay'] != blank %} {% endif %} {% assign found_bundle = false %} {% if item.properties._bundle == 'primary' %} {% assign found_bundle = true %} {% endif %} {% assign bundle_qty_up = false %} {% if item.title contains 'Qty:' %} {% assign bundle_qty_up = true %} {% assign bundle_title = item.title %} {% assign bundle_qty_string = item.title | split: 'Qty:' | last %} {% assign bundle_qty_string = bundle_qty_string | remove: ')' %} {% assign bundle_qty = bundle_qty_string %} {% endif %} {% if item.properties._gift %} {{ item.properties._gift }} {% endif %} {{item.title}} {% for option in item.options_with_values %} {% unless option.name == "Title" %} {{ option.name }}: {{ option.value }} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {%- comment -%} {% for prop in item.properties %} {% assign pk1 = prop | first | slice: 0 %} {% unless pk1 == '_' %} {{prop | first}}: {{prop|last}} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {%- endcomment -%} {% if found_bundle %} {% for prop in item.properties %} {% assign pk1 = prop | first %} {% if pk1 == '_components' %} {% assign bundle_items = prop | last | split: ',' %} {% for bundle_item in bundle_items %} {% if bundle_qty_up and bundle_qty != blank %} {{ bundle_qty }} {% else %} {{ item.quantity }} {% endif %} x {{ bundle_item | strip }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign price = item.final_price %} {% if item.properties._bundle == 'primary' %} {% assign reverse_items = items | reverse %} {% assign showIncludes = false %} {% for subitem in reverse_items %} {% if subitem.properties._bundle == 'component' and subitem.properties._instance == item.properties._instance %} {% assign showIncludes = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if showIncludes == true %} Includes {% endif %} {% for subitem in reverse_items %} {% if subitem.properties._bundle == 'component' and subitem.properties._instance == item.properties._instance %} {{subitem.title}} + {{subitem.final_price | money }} {% assign price = price | plus: subitem.final_price %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{price | money }} {% assign quantity_variance = item.properties._inventory | minus: item.quantity %} {% if quantity_variance < 10 %} Only {{item.properties._inventory}} left! {% endif %} {% unless item.properties._gift or item.selling_plan_allocation or found_bundle %} – {% assign enabled = '' %} {% if item.quantity >= item.properties._inventory %} {% assign enabled = 'silver pointer-none' %} {% endif %} + {% endunless %} {% unless item.properties._gift and product_has_only_default_variant %} Remove {% endunless %}