{% if products.length > 1 %}{{ products.length }} results{% endif %}
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Frieza Forms T-Shirt - Slate
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Frieza Forms T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Wish Dirty P Hoodie - Brown
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Perfect Form T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Resistance Heavyweight Hoodie - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Vegeta Levels Heavyweight T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Frieza Forms Hoodie - Purple
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Comeback T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Comeback T-Shirt - Brown
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Frieza Forms Hoodie - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Goku Energy Zip Hoodie - Heather Grey
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Timeline T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Perfect Form T-Shirt - Purple
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Super Buu Heavyweight Hoodie - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Perfect Form Hoodie - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Vegeance Hoodie - White
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Wish Dirty P T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Vengeance Long Sleeve T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Vengeance Long Sleeve T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Wish Dirty P T-Shirt - Brown
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Comeback Hoodie - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Prince T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Spirit T-Shirt - Cream
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Spirit T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Nuevo Buu T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Resistance Heavyweight T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Nuevo Buu T-Shirt - Pink
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Super Buu T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Nuevo Buu T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Goku Energy T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Comeback T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Resistance Heavyweight T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Super Buu T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Hope T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Halloween Stay Alive T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Halloween Stay Alive T-Shirt - Burgundy
- Primitive x Halloween Stay Alive T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Halloween Mask T-Shirt - Cardinal
- Primitive x Halloween Slash Dirty P T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Halloween Mask T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Halloween Mask T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Halloween Slash Dirty P T-Shirt - White
- Primitive x Halloween Scenes T-Shirt - Orange
- Primitive x Halloween Mask Heavyweight T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Halloween Scenes T-Shirt - Brown
- Primitive x Halloween Split Heavyweight T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Halloween Stay Alive Hoodie - Forest Green
- Primitive x Halloween Stay Alive Hoodie - Black
- Primitive x Halloween Scenes Heavyweight T-Shirt - Black
- Primitive x Halloween Mask Hoodie - Sand
- Primitive x Halloween Mask Hoodie - Black
- Primitive x WWE Neal Deadman Forever Skateboard Complete - Black - 8.125"
- Primitive x WWE Mania Skateboard Complete - Gold - 8.38"
- Primitive x WWE Rodriguez Cold One Skateboard Complete - Black - 8.625"
- Primitive x WWE Neal Deadman Forever Skateboard Deck - Black - 8.125"
- Primitive x WWE Mania Skateboard Deck - Gold - 8.38"
- Primitive x WWE Rodriguez Cold One Skateboard Deck - Black - 8.625"
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Wish Dirty P Hoodie - Black
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Goku Energy T-Shirt - Athletic Heather
- Primitive x Dragon Ball Z Goku Energy T-Shirt - White
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{% endif %}{{ productTitle }}
{% assign discount_amount = product.price | divided_by: product.compare_price | times: -100 | plus: 100 | round %} {%- capture discount_text -%} [discount]% off {%- endcapture -%}Loading Products
Primitive Skateboards was started by pro skater Paul "P-Rod" Rodriguez, who isn’t just one of the biggest names in skateboarding today. He is one of the biggest names in skateboarding - ever. He started skating when he was 12 and got a board for Christmas. He loved to skate, immediately, and has been quoted saying that he even slept with his skateboard. After only a couple of years, he went pro. P-Rod has since won 8 medals at the X Games (so far). That’s the record – the most of anyone. He has been on every "best" list of skaters in the world that there practically is. And he’s not done yet.
Rodriguez is now also the president of Primitive Skateboarding, a skateboard and streetwear manufacturer. Primitive began as a skateboarding shop in California that sold other companies brands.
It has branched out into manufacturing Primitive Apparel and Primitive Skateboards, but at its core it's a street skate brand with a street skater – one of the best of all time – holding its reigns. The brand is known for outerwear, apparel, accessories, skateboard decks, and complete skateboards. Their logo and graphics, like their president, are bold and fearless.