Meet The CCS Skate Team
November 18, 2021 - Spend some time getting to know the all-star lineup of radical riders that make up the CCS Skate Team.
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Just so we're all on the same page, real dogs should not smoke. CCS does not condone any kind of physical dog smoking anything, but cartoon dogs? Not only is it a cute and funny concept, but it harms no one except for maybe the dogs cartoon lungs, but if we just erase those from the picture then he's all good. So enjoy this vintage inspired CCS logo collection available now on a bunch of stuff as seen below modeled by our friend and CCS flow rider, Chandler Burton and also modeled by the ground. Click here to shop all of this shit!
Short sleeve black or white T's are available as well as decks on white in 7.75, 8, 8.25, and 8.5.
The original sketch by CCS designer, Hayden Biener. Guess he couldn't figure out which C he liked best.
Chandler with some big snaps in the white long sleeve. Shortly after this photo was taken we ate Indian food and that white shirt probably turned red.
Chandler in the black long sleeve before and after we told him the dog was smoking a bag of oregano he bought for $50.
Crusty slash with the ocean far in the background. Do dogs like the ocean? Are there dogs who surf? Probably the same dogs who smoke.
Hung out to dry. Just like his little cartoon lungs would have been had we not removed them. <3
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