{% for product in loader.activeProducts %}
{% for banner in collectionBanners %}
{% if Filters.native.size > 0 and banner.sub == false %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% if banner.position == product.position %}
{% if banner.apply_whole %}
{% assign active = 'dim' %}
{% if current_page == 1 %}
{% assign active = 'o-50 pointer-none' %}
{% endif %}
{% for i in pages %}
{% assign pageoffset = current_page | minus: i | abs %}
{% if pageoffset != 0 and pageoffset != 1 and pageoffset != 2 pageoffset != 3 %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% assign active = '' %}
{% if current_page == i %}
{% assign active = 'brand' %}
{% endif %}
{% assign last_page_shown = i %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign active = 'dim' %}
{% if current_page == total_pages %}
{% assign active = 'o-50 pointer-none' %}
{% endif %}
{% if last_page_shown != total_pages %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
Loading Products
Known for flipping into lip tricks, her fierce determination, and the color lavender, Nora has become not just one of the top skateboarders, but one of the most popular female athletes of a generation. Since turning professional for Welcome skateboards, winning the Vans Park Series World Championships, and joining the CCS team in 2017, Nora has inspired countless youngsters with her relatable charm and powerful style. She was the first woman to join the Adidas skate team, has had her own signature Adidas Gazelle, and founded her own beverage company, JuneShine. Most importantly, Nora brings the fun!