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Well, another year flew by faster than we were ready for, and all of the sudden we were back at Brimley Skateboards’ Tempe Halloween party! This year was by far the biggest we’ve seen, with hundreds and hundreds of costumed skateboarders risking life and limb for prizes and cash. The highlight of the night was the flat bar contest where rail after rail was added to create a centipede of steel to see who could take home the longest boardslide. Well, it was either that, or the unreal carnage that went down on the 9 stair. We were there holding it down on Snapchat and Instagram while we let our bro’s at Thrasher handle the video for the night. Check out the video and make sure to pick your jaw up off the floor when you see the 9 stair get ollied on a Rip Stik…

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