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Pendleton Woolen Mills is new to CCS, but not new to the apparel world. Pendleton opened its doors back in 1909. And with a history that goes this far back, Pendleton’s story includes producing blankets and uniforms for the American troops during WWII, and introducing the concept of woolen sportswear - before Pendleton, woolen shirts were worn almost exclusively for working. Pendleton was the first company to offer work shirts in brighter colors with patterns. Another notable bit of Pendleton history comes in the form of a singing group formed in 1960. The Pendletones, who took inspiration for the name of their group from Pendleton’s wool plaid shirt, later changed its name to The Beach Boys. Needless to say, Pendleton Shirts caught on with America's youth shortly there after.

But where does Pendleton fit in to CCS? Pendleton has a rich history of keeping surfers and adventurers warm since before sports like surfing, rock climbing, and even hiking were accessible to the average joe. To say Pendleton helped popularize the flannel would be an understatement. Essentially, it was the flannels that drew us to Pendleton. We love us a good flannel, and Pendleton make some of the best in the business. Flannels are a staple in every skateboarder’s wardrobe, and every brand has its own version. There are an endless variety of in the skateboard industry, but almost none of the brands CCS carries have been producing them for as long as Pendleton - Levis might have a shirt design or two that’s close. The point is, Pendleton has flannels figured out, which is why we decided to carry them. They make incredibly durable, warm flannels that’ll last a lifetime, and that's the kind of flannel we want to buy. But we didn't just stop at flannels. We also have the pullover wool Pendleton Shetland Bear Sweater, the Pendleton Gorge Jacket, and the Original Westerley Sweater, the sweater The Dude made famous in The Big Lebowski.

Pendleton’s clothes are rich in quality, history, and design, but one of the most significant reasons CCS is so excited to be carrying Pendleton is because it’s an Oregon Company. The original Pendleton Woolen Mill is less than 200 miles from our warehouse and retail space. When we offered the chance to sell Pendleton, we jumped right on it.

The Pendleton Fitted Longsleeve Board Shirt in Blue/Green Original Surf Plaid The Pendleton Fitted Longsleeve Board Shirt in Blue/Green Original Surf Plaid
Original Surf Plaid Flannel Original Surf Plaid Flannel
Pendleton The Original Westerley Sweater Pendleton The Original Westerley Sweater
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