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You don’t usually consider bringing your passport along for a day of skating in San Diego, but when you’re with The Chief you never know what’s gonna happen. We linked up with Jamie Thomas to shoot a flick for the new CCS catalog and he dragged us all the way to Mexico to do it. Here’s a little look into what went into getting the photo and the day behind it. Make sure to pick up our exclusive orange Zero hoodie that comes with a signed 8x10 print of Jamie from the catalog. Only 50 available!

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Jamie is one of the few skaters who starts his day before the sun comes up. We met up at Poods Park in Encinitas at 8 am to get warm.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Slappy’s are better than coffee.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

He drug Dane Burman along even though he was on the injured list. He brought his toys to stay busy.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Ooooh, that’s what that thing’s for.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Slams, much like Slappy’s also serve as a coffee substitute. This early in the morning you stay down a little longer.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Classic Chief! 180 Nosegrind perfection.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Our Uber driver had some interesting jewelry.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Just kidding. It was Zero TM, Kurt Hodges who was the pilot of the old 15 passenger.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

There’s something nostalgic about our 96 logo hat driving around San Diego in a team van looking for skate spots.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Wait… Why are we at the border?

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

And just like that we were in another country! Viva La Mexico!

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

At the first spot, Dane had to prove why he wasn’t going to skate. Looks legit.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Without skating you are forced to channel your creativity into other mediums.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

So this is how Dane sees the world eh?

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Enough nonsense, we need to get a photo.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

The first locals were super down for us. They even helped tidy up the spot.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Then our local homie Azaf showed up to help make sure we didn’t go to jail!

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

This was a pretty hefty Ollie to warm up on.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

The other locals were pretty shitty…

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Aside from being shit on, we got the boot before we could get what we needed. So this is not a celebratory dab, but more of a collapse of depression.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

There’s always another spot, but they all need sweeping.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

This lovely family was kind enough to let us skate their front porch.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Jamie is never one to turn away from a warm up shifty. Not to mention his complimentary color game was very on point.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

The 180 Melon was the move we wanted and he did it about as good as possible.

In the end we just loved the way this Nosebone was so in your face and this is the photo we ended up using for our throw back page in the new catalog.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Celebratory yoga! You don’t rip the shit out of everything at 40 years old with out a good post session stretch.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

Don’t wanna forget these things on the drive home.

Jamie Thomas: Behind The Photo

And just like that we were back in America, a few photos richer. The whole process wasn’t longer than four or five hours. Pretty wild how fast you can make things happen when you really get down to business. Make sure and pick up Jamie’s orange Zero hoodie that comes with a free, signed, 8x10 print of his Indy Nosebone! Only 50 exist and you can only get them at CCS!

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