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There’s no better place on your board for self-expression than your griptape. Making the top of your plank look rad has never been easier. Thanks to the resurgence of fun and bright griptape colors, companies like Mob are making the goods you need to turn your board in to a party.

Ben Raybourn has been rocking clear and colored grip for years, but he’s extra stoked that Mob dropped their own blend of transparent toppings. We talked with Ben about the first time he saw clear grip and who influenced him to decorate his boards the way he does. We also go through the process of gripping his board from beginning to end and had a mini session on a micro ramp on his 27th floor balcony. If you’re afraid of heights you may want to check out before the last 30 seconds of this video.

Grab some Mob Clear and get your arts and crafts on!

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