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For our next episode of "3 spots", we met up with Zero Pro, Chris Wimer as he showed us the true ups and downs of street skating, from spots getting knobbed as we walked up, to getting kicked out by unhappy workers. All in all Chris still managed to put together a small video part in less than 5 hours at spots like the classic Bricktown rail and the eye pleasing Korean Bell Of Friendship in San Pedro. Check the edit and some of the photos from the day then go hit your own spots! Who do you want to see hit 3 spots next?

First 2 spots we hit were knobbed, so Chris had to make due at the second set of ledges with skating just the ends.
Lucky for us Chris has a BS Noseblunt like a stick of GD butter.
CCS video overlord, Chris Varcadipane gets the lines as Wimer endlessly spits them out.
A quick stop at the playground before heading to spot 2.
Nothing like a piping hot metal slide to make sure you don't bail.
Next stop was the legendary Bricktown. They changed the rail, but the spirit remain the same. And those bricks still sound nice.
Classic square fisheye for one of Chris's many Nosegrinds on the newer taller rail.
Skating these days is quite fucked. Wimer FS Flipped the 10 first try with out breaking a sweat. That would have been a 411 opener in 1998.
The third and final spot was the Korean Bell of Friendship in San Pedro. Overlooking the ocean and with smooth flat ground, it was a perfect spot to end the day.
A couple of kickflips followed up by some heavier moves and we were wrapped. Check the edit for all the clips Chris stacked in this afternoon.
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